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Canine lipomas

Writer: MaddieMaddie

Lipomas are common benign tumours in dogs that arise from fat cells. These soft, movable masses often appear under the skin and can grow slowly over time. While generally harmless, they can sometimes grow large enough to cause discomfort or interfere with movement.

What exactly is a Lipoma?

It's a non-cancerous tumour composed of fat cells. In dogs, they typically feel soft and can be moved easily under the skin. They are usually found in middle-aged to older dogs and can occur anywhere on the body, though they are most commonly found on the trunk, abdomen, and limbs.

In Energy Medicine, lipomas are often seen as a manifestation of imbalances in the body's energy, particularly related to the spleen and liver meridians.

  • Spleen Qi Deficiency: Weakness in the spleen's function to transform and transport fluids can lead to the accumulation of dampness and phlegm, which may contribute to the formation of lipomas.

  • Liver Qi Stagnation: Emotional stress or unresolved issues can lead to liver qi stagnation, which in turn may manifest as lumps or masses like lipomas.

Before you go any further, I would ask you to quietly reflect on YOUR health - physically, emotionally and energetically ...... could your dog be 'mirroring' something YOU need to address in YOU?


So #1 is to ensure you are as balanced as possible, then try this short protocol on your dog:

Get grounded

  • clean your tools (i.e. rub hands together and shake off)

  • Smile and tittle tattle about how the lipoma is gently and safely dispersing

  • Mummy lick on both jaws

  • Up over the top of the ears, behind, below and off the front paws, to calm the Triple Warmer energies (associated with stress)

  • Trace Spleen - Helps reduce fat accumulation & dampness. Trace with palm of hand, either touching the body or just off it - where do you feel you better 'connect' with your dog?

  • Trace Liver - Reduces stagnation & supports detoxification

  • Hold your dog’s head gently with one hand over their temples and the other hand on their chest. Breathe deeply and hold for 30–60 seconds to relax them.

You can can also explore:

  • Massage Spleen 6 (SP6): This is located on the inside of your dog’s hind leg, about four fingers above the hock (ankle joint). Use gentle circular pressure for 30–60 seconds. Both legs.

  • Massage Liver 3 (LV3): Found between the two largest toes on the back paw. Apply gentle pressure for 20–30 seconds. If you were at the class on Saturday you definitely know this one, it's the gate that opens energy to the lower/back body.

  • Stimulating the Spleen 21 Points (Boosts digestion & fat metabolism). Lightly tap or massage the area under your dog’s ribs on both sides for 10–15 seconds. This encourages lymphatic movement and spleen energy. Yes, these are the doggie variation of Donna's Spleen thumps.

  • Figure-8 Tracing Over the Lipoma (Encourages energy movement & healing). Using your fingers, trace small figure-8 patterns directly over the lipoma for a few minutes daily. This helps disperse stagnation.

  • Lymphatic Drainage Massage (Reduces swelling & encourages detox)

    Use gentle circular strokes around the lipoma, moving toward the armpit (or groin) and then down and off the limb. Avoid pressing too hard; a light touch is best.

Dogs respond beautifully to energy work! Learn their language and let them guide you. Remember, when working with animals, less is most definitely more, so don't overwhelm through enthusiasm! Stay gentle, observe their body language, and adjust pressure or timing based on their comfort. Combining these techniques with a healthy diet, regular exercise, and stress reduction can support overall healing and well-being.


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