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Creating a more harmonious relationship with your digital devices.

Writer's picture: MaddieMaddie

In our increasingly digital world, where screens dominate our daily lives, it's important to be aware and conscious of the downside of too much screen time. We can't live without them, so it's a case of learning to live with them, and limiting any 'digital toxicity'.

Here are a few tips that I have found useful ....

The blue light emitted from screens disrupts our circadian rhythms, affecting sleep patterns. Look at the different screen 'dimmers' on the market. For example F.LUX is a free one; connected to your time zone it dims your screen at sunset until sunrise. You can over-ride it if necessary but it:

a) reminds you that you are on the screen - gives you pause to think about how much longer you need to be on.

b) reduces the impact of the light, especially on the production of melatonin that we need for a restful night's sleep.

Natural Remedies to Combat Digital Toxicity:

Essential Oils: offer therapeutic benefits through aromatherapy, which can help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. Oils like lavender, chamomile, and bergamot are known for their calming properties. Diffusing these oils in your workspace or using them in a relaxing bath can create a soothing environment amidst digital chaos.

Flower Essences: Flower essences, derived from the energetic imprint of flowers, work on emotional and spiritual levels to restore balance. Emergency Essence (ABFE) or Bach's Rescue Remedy, are both popular blends of flower essences that help manage stress and anxiety caused by digital overload. Taking a few drops under the tongue or adding to water throughout the day can provide emotional support.

So many formulas on the market now, so research what might suit you. For example, sitting on my desk right now is the Australian Bush Flower Essences (ABFE) Electro Essence which is designed to help the body cope with the increasing levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) we are exposed to from devices such as computers, smartphones, Wi-Fi, and other electronic equipment.

It .....

  1. Reduces Electromagnetic Stress: Helps mitigate the physical and emotional stress caused by prolonged exposure to EMFs, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation.

  2. Enhances Energy Balance: Supports the body’s natural energy systems, ensuring they remain balanced and aligned despite constant exposure to electronic devices.

  3. Boosts Resilience: Strengthens the body's resilience to digital toxicity, helping to maintain overall well-being and prevent energy depletion.

  4. Improves Focus and Clarity: Assists in reducing mental fog and enhancing concentration, which can be compromised by excessive screen time and EMR exposure.

  5. Promotes Better Sleep: Helps to restore natural sleep patterns disrupted by blue light and EMFs, leading to more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

  6. Supports Emotional Stability: Aids in stabilizing emotions and reducing anxiety related to digital overload, fostering a more balanced emotional state.

It can be taken as drops under the tongue, added to water, or used as a spray in your environment. Regular use can help shield and support your body’s energy system, ensuring you stay grounded and balanced in our tech-centric world.

Crystals have long been used for their energetic healing properties. Looking at my desk right now I have a small amethyst cluster sitting there. As with all of Nature's Helpers ..... keep an open mind and energy test, or 'get a feel' to what might work for you. You might consider:

Black Tourmaline

Properties: Known for its powerful protective and grounding abilities, black tourmaline absorbs EMFs and converts negative energy into positive energy.


Properties: Shungite is renowned for its ability to absorb and neutralize EMFs, as well as for its grounding and purifying qualities.


Properties: Hematite is known for its grounding and protective properties, making it effective at deflecting EMFs.


Properties: Fluorite is excellent for mental clarity and focus, and it also helps to neutralize EMFs. Place fluorite crystals on your desk or near your computer to enhance concentration and reduce electromagnetic stress. I once taped a small tumbled fluorite to my cellphone - within days it had been drained of it's depth of colour.


Properties: Sodalite aids in mental clarity and focus while providing protection against EMFs.

Rose Quartz

Properties: Rose quartz is known for its calming and soothing energy. While not specifically an EMF shield, it can help to create a more harmonious and stress-free environment.

How to Use Crystals Near Your Computer

Placement: Arrange the crystals around your computer, monitor, and other electronic devices to create a protective grid.

Crystal Clusters: Use clusters or large pieces of crystals for more substantial protection and energy balancing.

Personal Items: Wear crystal jewellery, such as pendants or bracelets, for personal protection throughout the day.


Cleansing: Regularly cleanse your crystals to maintain their effectiveness. Methods include running them under cool water, placing them in sunlight or moonlight, or using other cleansing crystals like selenite. (NB - don't put Selenite in water)

The Eden Method, developed by Donna Eden, offers a variety of techniques to balance and restore the body’s energy systems. These techniques can be particularly effective in counteracting the negative effects of digital toxicity. For example .....

Grounding Techniques

Grounding helps to reconnect with the earth's energy, stabilising and calming your body's energy systems. If you are well grounded the body can more easily discharge digital toxic energies into the earth, where they are absorbed and 'transmuted' (meaning they don't 'damage' the earth itself). Effectively it's showing them the 'EXIT' door.

  • Foot Rub: Rub the soles of your feet with your thumbs, applying firm pressure to stimulate energy flow and grounding. Add a bit of extra focus to Kidney 1 point - see diagram below (with grateful thanks to Deadman - A Manual of Acupuncture)

Connecting Heaven and Earth: Stand with feet shoulder-width apart. Inhale and reach one arm up and the other down, stretching gently. Exhale and return to centre. Repeat on the opposite side.

The Zip-Up

Stand grounded and firm, fists clenched in front of you with elbows bent.

Bring hands over your head, arms straight, fists clenched, wrists crossed.


Breathing out, bring hands down quickly and with force, uncrossing and taking them out to the side of the thighs with fingers  now outstretched, not clenched.


While doing this, imagine a line that runs down the centre of the body, from mouth to the genital area. Imagine this line opening up, becoming ‘unzipped’ and any anger, rage, irritation, or negative energetic ‘gunk’ that has been lurking inside finally spilling out into the earth.


At the same time breathe out with a hissing sound and imagine all those angry toxic emotions, energies and thoughts spilling out on your breath.


Repeat 3 times

You are now ‘open’ and it is important to zip up that Central Meridian so that toxic energies that may be around you can no longer enter and cause disruption. 


Simply place your hand at the bottom of the meridian [between your legs]. Take a deep in-breath and simultaneously move your hand up the centre of the body to your lower lip and ‘lock it’ by lightly tweaking the sides of your mouth.


As you do this, think of calmness, forgiveness and .tranquillity being zipped up inside


Do this 3 times and end by ‘sewing up’ i.e. tracing a horizontal Figure of 8 up the centre line, rather like an old fashioned Victorian corset.


This will give you a wonderful protection against external energies entering your body; against some of the stresses of life triggering unnecessary anger.  It does not stifle you; you can still give out care, warmth, attention and love.

As an ADDED EXTRA,' fluff out' with both hands, the energies in front of your upper torso - in the Oriental tradition this is referred to as WEI CHI or PROTECTIVE ENERGY and is perfect for when you are sitting in front of any screen.

This particular energy is the body's first line of defence against external pathogens, digital toxicity and environmental stresses. It circulates just beneath the skin and in the muscles, creating a protective barrier that guards against harmful influences.

I do this every day as it only takes a few seconds to fluff up my protective energy - I smile at the same time and also throw in a positive statement such as ....


if it enters me, it departs pretty quickly, in the most divine way .... all is well!

You make up your own language style of statement, but that one seems to work well for me!


The Crown Pull

The Crown Pull releases tension and refreshes the mind, which can become overloaded from excessive screen time.

  • Place your fingers on your forehead and press firmly.

  • Slowly pull your fingers apart, stretching the skin. Move up to the top of your head and continue the pulling motion towards the back of your head.

  • Finish by massaging your neck and shoulders.

The Wayne Cook Posture

This posture helps to clear mental fog and enhance focus, which can be diminished by digital overload.

Neurolymphatic Massage

The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, nodes, and organs that works to transport lymph fluid throughout the body. Think of it as the body’s ‘garbage disposal’ system.  We need to nurture optimum function to reduce the toxic load (that includes digital garbage) that can stress the body. With no ‘pump’ to move the lymphatic fluid, movement/walking is essential, but function  and lymph movement can also be enhanced by working with the following Neurolymphatic Reflex Points.

Introduce pressure slowly as you massage firmly the following points/areas on the body. If your lymph energy is sluggish, they maybe sore/tender – persevere but don’t push yourself into pain, work up slowly over a few sessions.

A word of caution:  If your health is compromised at the moment, especially with an autoimmune problem; just work on one or two areas at a time – working them all can create an overload and stress on your system which can prove to be counterproductive.

Click on the ink below to see my friend and colleague Margie Fein do a stellar demonstration of how to work these points. THANK YOU MARGIE!

Daily Energy Routine

Incorporates it all really and provides an overall energy balance and resilience against digital toxicity. Developed by Donna Eden, watch her demo it on this link:

Regularly practicing these techniques can create a more harmonious relationship with your digital devices while supporting your body’s natural energy flow. You don't have to do them all, but TRY them all and then do the ones that 'feel' they are working their magic!

For me, I like objectively evaluating how energy work impacts me - to tune in and assess in an honest and authentic way. We are each such an individual weave of energies so not everything is going to work for everyone all the time ..... THE WISDOM IS IN DEVELOPING THE SKILL TO DISCERN WHAT WORKS FOR YOU.

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