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Today I thoroughly enjoyed an interview with Claudia on


If you'd like to see part of that interview simply click on this link (it's about 45 minutes) -

I thought it might be useful to set out some of the topics I covered (and some I didn’t) regarding how being ‘grounded’ and working with your energies can support your vision.

If we can get the many energies of the body into the best possible balance, this would include energies such as meridian pathways, chakras, then the health of the physical and emotional bodies begin to improve.

Working with the body in this way is natural, organic, easy and 'free'.

Crucial to this balance is our connection to the energies of the earth beneath our feet.

When the body is well grounded it is literally plugged into an 'energy supply' that feeds every single cell of our body, impacting every system and organ, including the eyes.

To optimize vision, energy needs to be flowing freely and this cannot happen without being fully grounded.

So, let’s look at how we can achieve that elusive grounding ….

….. Key is to step out of an overactive STRESS RESPONSE and into quieter, calmer state of being.

The quieter you become, the more connected you become to your body, the more energy is released to heal and maintain the body – including eye health …. 99.9% of any problem we experience can be caused or exacerbated by stress, so it makes sense that the less stress you experience the more your body can heal.

What do I mean by ‘grounding’.

DEFINITIONS: An electrical device is “grounded” when it is connected to the ground in a way that allows excess energy to leave the system. We are:

Donna Eden describes it as …

PHYSICALLY GROUNDED when we can feel our connection with the Earth and carry ourselves (posture, movement, awareness) in a manner that is in harmony with the Earth’s gravitational pull.

EMOTIONALLY GROUNDED when our energies and emotions move through our physically-grounded body freely and are wholesomely discharged through our cells, our breath, our thoughts, and our actions.

SPIRITUALLY GROUNDED when a physically-grounded body and an emotionally-grounded mind are in harmony and alignment with one another and with “spirit” (the animating force within living things).

UNGROUNDEDNESS seems to be developing into an epidemic in the Western world.

As we advance technologically we appear to be slowly losing our instinctive connection with Mother Earth and all her wisdom and energy.

Hippocrates said:

Illnesses do not come upon us out of the blue.

They are developed from small daily sins against Nature.

When enough sins have accumulated,

Illness will suddenly appear.

So be aware of any little ‘sins against Nature’ – the first of which is to be disconnected... i.e. UNgrounded.

Let’s take it one step further and consider the idea that grounding is not just about us as individuals, it’s also about the planet itself.

We are nothing more than millions of little ‘connecting conduits’ walking around, vehicles for the Yang energies above us and the Yin below (deep from the Earth’s core) to connect. Our human energetic field is suspended, literally, between Heaven and Earth.

So, when we improve our grounding, we not only benefit ourselves, we are doing ‘our bit’ for keeping the planet balanced.

Energetically there is a primal flow between us and the Earth. It’s a two-way flow, one of detox and nourishment:

1. She feeds us, being a key source of our post-natal energy

2. She has the unique ability to absorb and dispose of old, stale, toxic, tired energetic ‘gunk’ that we can accumulate, so that we can have space to receive new, fresh, replenishing energies.

It’s no wonder we call her MOTHER Earth.

Grounding is sometimes under-rated and can mistakenly be dismissed as irrelevant. I’ve even heard it called ‘trivial.’

You may think you don’t always have time for it, but it’s one of the most powerful things you can do to develop your senses and to keep you safe and stable in your life and work with energy.

If you are grounded, your energies will benefit. When you discharge energetic 'gunk' into the earth , energy can be directed to self-healing. By sheer osmosis those around you get a boost towards balance too: your loved ones, pets, clients – anyone that comes into your energetic orbit.

…. And forget not

That the Earth delights to feel your bare feet

And the winds long to play with your hair ….

Khalil Gibran

Nature is indeed your friend when grounding and some of my favourite ways to connect to Gaia:

A Quick ‘Physical’ Grounding Technique (memorize and keep in your back pocket!)

1. Do a 3rd-Eye/Navel Hook-Up 2. Place your hands at the sides of your waist (at the Belt Flow) 3. With your thumb in the front and fingers toward the back, slide your hands slowly and firmly down your legs 4. When you get to your feet, squeeze at the sides of your feet 5. End by tracing up the Spleen meridian

IN THE MORNING. Walk barefoot on the sand by the sea and feel the water lap over your feet. Choose a quiet place and sit, feet and hands buried into the sand. Feel the Earth take away what is no longer nourishing for you and let the energy of Water clean and cleanse you as you go forward for the day.

Barefoot, direct contact with the earth is the very best. We are so separated in the West by footwear, high rise living and working, cars, trains, and planes. So, getting right down to a nitty gritty ‘earthy’ connection revitalises our circuits in a powerful, organic and natural way. If we don’t, we are depriving ourselves of a potent source of energy.

You may not have the luxury of a beach on your doorstep, but a small garden, park – any small patch of ‘earth’ will do.

We talked today about the 'moss mat' that may bring some grounding to your bathroom, or the carpet decorated with smooth pebbles and stones. How can you bring Nature into your home?

IN THE EVENING. Walk barefoot on the grass to a quiet place in Nature where you can observe the sunset and give thanks for all the good things you have received during the day. Cultivate an ‘attitude of gratitude’ in your life. Today it is all too easy to dwell on the perceived ‘negative’ and forget the fact that we can walk, breathe, smell, see, hear, touch, are loved, have food, shelter and friends. It does us good to consciously remind ourselves of all that we DO have.

ANYTIME. Sit with your spine against a tree trunk. After a car accident when I was a young woman and several falls when horse-riding, my back loves the energetic exchange between it and the Earth and the wonder of Wood, that governs flexibility in the body and mind. Do you need that? The tree connects the flow on Governing meridian and takes that energy down the roots of the tree into the Earth and then up again into the body, creating an impulse that stimulates the Radiant Circuits.

Do these, or grounding exercises of your choice, daily for optimum benefit. If this is new to you, try them all and then choose those that you enjoy and that feel as if they are indeed moving something in your body. Observe carefully how your eyes react. It may take time, you may have to be consistent and patient but things will improve.

Benefits of grounding include:

· Better energy flow to all organs and systems – including the eyes. You might wonder what the feet have to do with the eyes, but they are the entry points for energy that will ultimately nourish the eyes

· Efficient discharge of stale energetic ‘plaque’ (or gunk as it's technically known as!)

· Encourages a state of calmness, reducing stress which again, impacts vision

· Improves mood, immunity, inflammation in the body and sleep

· Reduces stress and helps bring a healthier mood and perspective

· Helps release inwardly or outwardly directed anger and other potentially harmful emotions

· A better ability to move any shock or trauma out of the body

· A feeling of being fully present and connected, especially to your instinctive WOW (Wise One Within).

So what can you do?

VISUALISE roots emerging from the soles of each foot and burrowing deep down in the ground. If you join my website newsletter there is a free gift all about grounding in this way.

Here is a short video demonstrating the visualisation:


The Belt Flow encircles the waist. It’s the only 'Extraordinary Vessel' that runs horizontally around the body. It connects the energies of the top and the bottom parts of the body and is crucial for balance and health of the meridians, chakras and other systems. When working with your eyes, it's imperative that the energy you are drawing up from the earth doesn't get 'stuck' around the waist if this flow is 'congested'.

The Belt Flow:

· Brings harmony to the chakras, the meridians and the organs that sit below it

· Encourages a fuller flow of energy through the body that will nourish the eyes

· Brings balance to how inspired and how grounded we feel; how well we mange being off with the fairies and paying the bills and cleaning the cat litter!

· Connects second and third chakras – it affects our sense of responsibility

· Supports the ileocecal valve and digestion as well as the lower back

To work with the Belt Flow:

Start with fingers spread and circle the hands around the side of the body at the waist.

Pull from the back of the body to the front and all the way across the belly and to the other side. Pull not only at the waist, but above and below it as well.

Do this several times with some pressure and a lifting movement, alternating hands. Then firmly slide both hands down the leg on the side you are pulling toward and off the foot. Repeat on the other side of the body.

(If you had your hands around the left side of your waist, pulling towards the right, then you would trace down the right leg)

My favourite way is the BUDDHA BELLY SWISH:

· Palms of hands over the Mingmen Point – located on the lower back, roughly in line with the navel.

· Breathe, smile, and tune in to this powerful area.

· ‘Jiggle’ it up and down to stimulate the energy

· Draw hands around to the front of the body

· Clap them together and ‘Swish’ them off the body and laugh


With or without oil or cream – I love earthing oils such as Woody Cedarwood.

Firmly rub all over the foot, paying particular attention to:

KIDNEY 1 (K1) point on the sole of each foot is an important entry point for energy from the Earth. K27 will shoot a temporary rush of energy to the eyes (see below)

FOOT CHAKRA on the sole - open it up so energies can truly connect down to the Earth Star Chakra (located approximately 18 inches beneath your feet)

Massaging toes can reflex energy to the eyes. Depending upon the school of reflexology – the second toe is the one to focus on for vision.

YANG TOES - Stomach, Gallbladder and Bladder meridians (see diagram) Stomach meridian pathway runs right through each eye, so is crucial to eye health. see diagram.

YIN TOES - Liver and Spleen meridians Liver is involved in health eye maintenance.


GAITS* on top of foot, in between tendons. Vigorously work the gait reflexes on the tops of the feet, stretch feet from heel to ball, and pinch softly once between them. (TIP - pinching the gaits softly two or three times on each gait reflex before working them, assures that it won’t be quite as painful when rubbing them.) Releases energy. You’ll go over Liver 3 that opens up energies in the lower body. Large Intestine 4 on the hand opens up energies to the upper body and of course, the eyes!

End by tapping around knees, ankles and then brushing off down from knee and off each toe

Take a good couple of minutes to do this, keeping the focus on clearing the feet so that polarity and flow can return. So that you can 'plug' into Gaia.

…. An extra word on working with your gaits:

*The gaits – the channels between the tendons on the top of the feet – are often forgotten in our healthcare regimes. They can become stiff and inflexible through mechanical stresses: injury, bad fitting shoes, walking on cobblestones or uneven surfaces.

In Energy Medicine that whole area is associated with numerous meridians: Kidney on the ball of the foot (as above so below), Spleen, Liver, Gallbladder, Stomach and Bladder. Working the gaits can affect almost the entire body.

A simple gait technique:

· Pinch each gait softly two or three times before vigorously working the area

· Stretch the feet from heel to ball

· Flex and point each foot

· If you have time, draw the alphabet (or part of it) with your big toe, this is a focussed way of moving the foot to release tension

· Stroke outwards, inwards, diagonally and then firmly up between each tendon

· Start from the gap between the big and second toe and deeply press/rub along the channel up over the top of the foot to the bottom of the leg

· Repeat along the other 3 channels

· Rub the bottom and side of each foot too

· Brush off each foot and then each toe

The gaits are also involved in our personal ‘electrical’ system and essential to our sense of emotional stability. If they are congested or out of balance in any way, then just the simple act of walking can not only adversely affect the muscles of the body but also our sense of being centred, being earthed – being ‘stable’ in life.

Anything to do with the feet can also be associated with our personal perception – or vision - of the future: after all, our feet carry us forward in life. If, either consciously or unconsciously, we fear that perception of the future (for example loss, loneliness, poverty) it can reflect in the health of our feet.

In this way there is a connection with our eyes: that 'see' the future.

Once a day open the gaits wide! Use a warm, earthy oil to stroke and rub the entire foot area, I love the nuttiness of organic Argan oil or a pure local olive oil – add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to enhance the treatment (it will be absorbed rapidly into the body via the soles of the feet).


1. Spin a cut glass crystal prism over the ends of all the toes and K1.

2. If you are not sensitive to magnets you can use them instead of the crystal.

3. Or simply use your hands or fingertips and flip over nail/pad/nail/pad

Not sure what I'm talking about? Here's a video that will make it all clear ...


Pinch the eyebrows and pull out slightly to release muscular tension which will inhibit the flow of energy in the eye area.

You might like to release energy into the upper body and head by massaging Large intestine 4 (not if you are pregnant!) it's one of the 4 Gates recognised in TCM as opening energy into the body, the other is Liver 3 on the foot which I mentioned above.

Tap K27 (see diagram) to get all that energy running in the right direction.

Then move to the area between Stomach 2 and 3 on the cheek. see diagram below. This will encourage grounding of the Yang energies in the body.

Smile as you tap. About 10 seconds each.

Figure 8 - for the eyes

Take time to connect in the area between the eyebrows.

Slowly, either touching or just off the skin trace 8's around both eyes (see diagram)


You’ll need a stainless-steel spoon to stroke the sole of each foot. I love doing it from the heel to the toes and off with a flourish. Perhaps ending with a Figure 8 figure.

If you own a ‘spork’ lightly use the fork side to stroke up and down the top of the foot to stimulate the nerves.

Grounding gives you the opportunity to go to a still quiet place within. You effectively get out of the way and stop that incessant left brain chattering that can challenge and get in the way of our ability to sense energy.

Simple, Quick Energy Medicine Strategies to See Better with Madison King

My guest today, Madison King is Master Energy Medicine Healer specializing in empowered self-care. A key piece are Energy Medicine based grounding techniques which help to instantaneously relax eyes, body and mind.

She will share some simple, quick yet highly effective Energy Medicine tips and techniques for better grounding and eyesight.

Madison weaves in many different natural healthcare modalities with a focus on Eden Energy Medicine. She also runs and teaches the official EEM advanced training in both the USA and UK and her 8th book is about to be published - visit her website for details of these, her online classes and all the free blogs available. Connect with Madison: Website / Blog

(when you sign up to Madison’s newsletter you will receive five free gifts, one of which is specifically about grounding) Facebook Group Midlife Goddess

[1] suggestions in last section



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