Before you read this, if you are not sure how to energy test yourself, do visit the free resources on my website – a booklet when you sign up for the newsletter and about 9 blogs in the energy testing section of ‘blog’.
Choose the way of self-testing that works for YOU and use it daily so you develop the skill – don’t forget to ground yourself, set the intention that you seek the truth and what you do with that truth is entirely your choice and invest some time in ensuring your ‘mini-me’ is supporting, not sabotaging, your self-testing efforts.
OK so you have tested and you need a particular supplement
You have tested and you have chosen the brand of that supplement that best suits your body chemistry.
Now you can test to see the optimum dose of that supplement for you TODAY.
Various ways but this works well for me:
1. Tap your Thymus to put yourself into a temporary state of balance.
2. Set the intention that you are seeking the optimum dose of this supplement for TODAY
3. Take ONE capsule/tablet in your hand, hold it against your Solar Plexus
4. Energy test and it should test strong if you need that supplement
5. Add another capsule/tablet, hold the two of them against your Solar Plexus
6. Energy test and if you need 2 it will be strong
7. Add a third capsule/tablet, hold them against your Solar Plexus
8. Energy test and if you need 3 it will be strong but if not it will test weak, indicating that yes you need that supplement but NOT so much of a dose, so you would take 2.
So now you know the optimum amount to be 2 capsules/tablets – you basically keep going until your get a weak response and then go ‘back’ to the one before that was strong.
Leave it here or you can now test to find out:
a) if they need to be taken with or without food: hold against the SP[1] and ask the question: “to gain optimum absorption is it better to take this with food?” and energy test.
b) if it’s best to take them together or separate them out: hold against the SP and ask the question: “to gain optimum absorption is it better to take these 2 capsules together”
c) the optimum time to take the supplements to suit the ebb and flow of your energies and unique chemistry: hold against the SP and ask the question: “to gain optimum absorption is it better to take this in the morning?” you’ll get a yes or no. You can leave it there OR you can use the same format to test a selection of times. E.g. if it said ‘yes’ to the morning you could test 9am to 11am which logically would be a good time as it’s Spleen time or you might test 7am to 9am which is Stomach time.
In this way you can truly tailor taking this supplement to your body’s needs.
But also know that just doing the first step is enough too – take it to the level you want to.
Do it a few days and it will become second nature and take seconds.
You’ll be truly dancing with your body’s energies.
Next tutorial will be on using self-testing foods to aid weight loss, a version of test before you ingest ….. so watch out on my Facebook page – either Madison King or the closed group Midlife Goddess.
…. And here’s a ten-minute tutorial on how to do it:
[1] SP = Solar Plexus