Discombobulated’ ….. I simply love the sound of this word although I have my doubts as to its ‘official’ existence, but just the sound of it manages to describe how we can all feel occasionally: Uncoordinated in both body and mind; a bit ‘off’; a little ‘spaced out’; stuck; not fully in the flow of life and unable to cope with the challenges life sets us. Sounds familiar?
This simple technique is a hyperlink to harmony, equilibrium and balance. It:
connects [hooks up] two important channels of energies: Governing and Central, which in turn boosts confidence and courage brings clarity of thought and purpose;
It activates the Microcosmic Orbit (I've written a bit more about that below)
strengthens the auric field, keeping it solid and protective
bridges the energies between the head and the body.
enables you to feel more connected, co-ordinated, grounded and able to cope
Relieves anxiety, is centering and calming..
stimulates the ultimate troubleshooting potential of the Strangeflow energy
Hook up in bed until you fall asleep encourages the Strangeflow energy to travel round the body trouble shooting as you sleep.
Can help when feeling dizzy or feint,
Clients of mine have used this with success pre-seizure to prevent one, if the client has that few seconds of ‘aura’ beforehand.
Wonderful to use on your animal companions too.
Here's a short video link of Donna demonstrating and talking about what it does ...
Place the middle finger of one hand on your forehead between the eyebrows, over the 3rd Eye. We tend to use the middle finger for 2 reasons: Firstly it has a neutral polarity and secondly, it corresponds to the Yin Heart Protector energy that is easily accepted by the body – it has a gentle healing, no-threat nature.
Place the middle finger of the other hand in your navel.
Gently press each finger into your skin.
With a slight pull of the skin upward on both points, close your eyes, take a deep breath and relax. [Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth]
Hold for 12-30 seconds or as long as you like – you might experience a deep sign or even yawn, a sure sign the energy is hooking up.
By strengthening the Governing Channel that runs up the back, you affect the spine, not only in a physical sense but also in an emotional way – literally giving you the ‘backbone’ to face and resolve problems and move forward in your life.
By strengthening the Central Channel that runs up the front of the torso you will be less vulnerable to absorbing other peoples’ negative energies. An overdose of these can cause exhaustion and even depression.
It is a powerful tool for quickly centering yourself and has immediate neurological consequences.
Try it right now and see if you feel less discombobulated!
You can even do it on your animal companion … click on this link
Unleash the body’s full self-healing potential.
Click on this link for a 24 minute video I did a while ago, talking about the Hook up and the energy ‘portals’ on the Microcosmic Orbit (or Circuit).
You have probably heard of the MICROCOSMIC CIRCUIT/ORBIT that runs around our torso. I want to expand on the simplistic view of this amazing energy flow, held sacred in many ancient cultures and traditions, such as Tantric and Taoist.
It influences all energy systems and I want to explore just some of the key energy portals on this Master Circuit, with a view to unleashing the body’s full self-healing potential.
It can be self-care or adapted to loved ones, family, friends and easily integrated into your existing practice.
OK – let’s start by identifying the key locations of the energy portals I’ve chosen to work with….
Governing and Central vessels
We know that Governing runs from between the legs UP the back of the body up over the head.
We know that Central runs from between the legs UP the front of the body and meets at the back of the mouth with Governing.
But this is hardly a circuit, both are running upwards.
The circuit concept comes because each one completes a complete circuit within the body.
For example, the Governing runs up the body and when it reaches the 100 Meetings Point (Crown) it will run down an internal channel back to the perineum.
Central does the same.
There is a Taoist practice that asks that we place the tongue to the roof the mouth and this cuts out the middle/internal flows and there remains just the external flow. This is believed to generate extra energy.
WORKING THE CIRCUIT IN A GENERAL SENSE: Keeping your eyes closed and standing or sitting, but with both feet on the ground. Get a partner to trace VERY slowly, up both vessels at the same time, connecting/tuning in.
Using Frankincense, Herkimer, Selenite OR the flower essence or aromatherapy oil tested to be the most helpful. Take two cut glass crystal prisms and spin.
The qualities of these two vessels will be enhanced plus you will be activating their hybrid Strangeflow qualities.
Key qualities: Major Yin and Yang reservoirs of energy for the entire body. Ability to relate to people/environment. Courage to move forward in life
The Mingmen
You will read varying descriptions as to the location of the Ming Men, so experiment and see what sits best with you. This is my version.
(Gate of Life/Destiny/Palace of Essence – Du 4) sits opposite the navel on the back and is considered a master point.
It is involved in and influences the Strangeflow energy: Penetrating, Belt, Central and Governing and is great to tonify the kidneys and lumbar region.
It is a life line to our ancestral wisdom and lifetime/s experiences.
If you join Mingmen and Wind Palace (next point) it aids ancestral memory and provides access to the truly ‘old’ wisdom within.
The Wind Palace (Du 16)
THE POWER POINT sits right in the centre of the Occipital bone – see diagram. It’s just under the protuberance and about 1 cun above the hairline. It’s a classic entry point for wind and pathogens, our grannies knew best, so cover up!.
It is believed that this point stimulates the lymphatic flow to the head and brain – yes brain!
This is an exceptionally powerful point (hence its name) and is also known as Alta/Alter Major Chakra. When balanced it can create a clear connection with the subconscious, whilst instilling faith, courage and awareness. It enhances intuition, vision, clairvoyance and telepathic gifts. This point also houses our race memory and survival patterns inherited from our ancestors. At the same time, it can ground us into our natural rhythms and nature.
It is said that there is a diamond patterning in this area that holds our soul patterns for this incarnation; life can draw a veil over this diamond, and we can lose touch of why we are here and our purpose. When this happens, we get bogged down in lower vibrational thinking that dampen our spiritual evolution.
100 meetings (top of head)
DU 20 – Celestial Fullness, 100 convergences Bai Hui.
Brings in energies from the Celestial realms through the CROWN CHAKRA, so is a point you would want to ensure is regular and open when doing Chakra work. Many meridians and divergent channels meet here, hence the name. Because of this, if someone is ‘scattered’ working this point can pull them back together, make them feel integrated, clearer in their thoughts and more uplifted in their spirit. If all this comes together and we are receiving celestial ‘guidance’ then we find it easier to identify our path in life.
TIP 1 – this is a good one to hold with the Assemblage Point when trying to identify your destiny path.
TIP 2 – the celestial guidance can often come from our ancestors, so again, holding this point with Mingmen is a powerful combo to access the OLD WOW.
TIP 3 – think of it like a drawstring that pulls things up in the body. So if things are falling down a bit in the womb, vagina, haemorrhoids, bladder area – hold this point and imagine the energy pulling any prolapse Upwards again. NB Spleen is useful for holding things up in the body too.
Yin Tang
Also known as the 3rd Eye is located above the nose in between the eyebrows. Key chakra + point of exit for energy bouncing from the Pineal gland. The ideal is to view through the 3 eyes for a clear perspective. It’s often called the acupuncture ‘chill pill’ as it helps us stop over-thinking and getting stuck on a non-stop restless, emotional treadmill. Donna calls it you ‘happy point’ – great entry point for crystals, essences, oils and the like.
To help dislodge stale energy plaque build-up. A windscreen wiper technique is to pull it open: with fingers up to the hairline and then twirl a quality cut glass crystal over it (first testing to ensure it strengthens and doesn’t weaken you).
Throat chambers
The throat chakra is the ‘portcullis’ between the lower and upper chakras. It is greatly associated with ‘change’ in your life. It contains 7 chambers, each representing an individual chakras. Do not forget the back of the neck – gentle stretching forward and to the sides helps activate the chambers.
STRETCHING THE NECK (north to south): activates the chakra chambers and also Regulator Flow (especially with pinching and 8’iing).
The Chinese believe this to be the central ‘kingdom’ and has to be protected at all costs as it ‘feeds’ the entire body.
Do not underestimate the power of tracing hearts – over ANYthing!
A point so sacred that needling is forbidden. It is our lifeline into this life, it is our nourishment and integration. It is a major portal of sacred energy.
TIP – however, it’s a GREAT point on which to put an appropriate flower essence, crystal, frankincense etc., although always testing first. Or, if you prefer, add an essential oil to the palm of one hand, rub palms together and hold over the biofield of this point and also the heart chakra – instant integration of the oil into your energy field, through smell, heart and Spirit Gate. You can also write a quality that you wish to bring to your energies and place that paper on Spirit Gate. Sound too activates this portal, be in an instrument or simply placing your hands over the point and ‘talking to your body’. I do this a lot saying: Every single cell of my body is vibrant and healthy, as you, my lovely body regenerate, you do so with healthy, vibrant cells – I get healthier every time you replenish.