I'm a huge fan of Robert Peng and I think you will enjoy this short sequence he shares on working 3 key organs that are so involved in the quality of our life:
Heart - he beats Heart 1 in the armpit
Stomach - he 'chops' St 36 point just below the knee
Kidneys - he 'slams' Kidney 1 on the sole of each foot, which in turn vibrates up to the kidneys themselves. He follows with a short visualisation.
He ends the sequence by raising the arms above his head and 'dropping' them.
It's easy - try it and tune in after each section to see how it affects YOUR body xxx
His book THE MASTER KEY is a fascinating read: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Master-Key-Qigong-Unlock-Hidden/dp/1622031393/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+master+key+robert+peng&qid=1629983316&sr=8-1